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Print this pageForward this document  Automated T1-ADJ / TP-1.R adjustment requests

To demonstrate how we would perform this function, we will use the following example where we wish to add an additional T5 slip for interest and another T4 slip for a client's 2009 income tax return:

  1. Find your client's tax file that you would like to amend (2009 in this case), then, while in the Data entry window, click on the Status Information button to ensure that the As-filed snapshot box is ticked under the Filing the tax return section of this window. Click on OK (see figure 1 below).

    (figure 1)

  2. Press [Alt+F9] to recalculate.

  3. Please review and make sure that you are making an adjustment using the correct version of the original income tax return. Having pressed [Alt+F9] in step 2, you should be in the Tax return screen. Now, select from the Version drop-down menu the As-filed... version of the federal and/or Quebec income tax return to ensure the snapshot reflects the original as-filed income tax return (see figure 2 below).

    (figure 2)

  4. Return to Data entry, make the required changes and press [Alt+F9] (see figure 3). Following your data entry changes, the Production version of your return will contain the new additional data and the As-filed version will retain all the original data. As indicated above, you may view both versions under the Tax return screen.

    (figure 3)

  5. Within either the 2010 or 2011 year (2010 for our example - this function will also be available for future taxation years) of your client's tax file, use the keyword T1-Adjust to select either a federal or Quebec adjustment request (see figure 4 below).

    1. Please note that federal and Quebec adjustments require the use of two separate T1-Adjust keyword groups.

    2. Select the YEAR . Answer Yes to DT-ImportFedDiff or DT-ImportQueDiff as appropriate. The affected line numbers and the subsequent changes will now appear instantly.

    3. Pick the appropriate option for ADDRESS, Info-Authorize, and draft any text communicating the nature of the changes using the keyword Details .

    (figure 4)

Please note that to ensure that the proper carryforward amounts are updated correctly, you must start with the year which was amended, recalculate using [Alt+F9] for each taxation year up to the most current taxation year and copy the right-hand side carryforward amounts to the left-hand side display ([Alt+C]).

Clients who wish to do adjustment requests manually can continue to do so. There is a set recommended procedure to do this. Should you be unsure of the required steps, we suggest that you contact our support department.

June 16, 2011